Arranya Paryavaran Sanstha
C/o Pankaj Dawande, Opp. Gajanan Maharaj Mandir,
Lakdiya Puliya, Mahal, Nagpur 440002, Maharashtra

Office No.: +91.9022368363
Raj Madankar: +91.8055055332
Pranay Tijare: +91.9503525939
Email Address:

Efforts of Arranya
Our Project

Environment Library

We were the first NGO in the region of Vidarbha to open a library namely ‘Arranya Paryavaran Granthalaya’, solely dedicated to books on environment. From its establishment on April 8, 2016 we have been able to crowd-sourced more than 275 books as yet. Books are available on topics ranging from local flora and fauna to the global environmental problems facing us today. Readers who are comfortable with Marathi, Hindi or English can find a treasure trove of knowledge in our collection. The mission of our library is to instil a sense of responsibility in general public towards our nature though books, the vanishing medium of information. Incidentally we have seen that our members have cultivated a habit of reading as it broadens our minds and inspires us to continue working for nature. Anyone who holds our membership of Arranya can issue books at no cost and the general public can issue them too for a very minimal cost.


On June 5, 2019 we laid the foundation of our nursery right next to our office. With a motive to conserve indigenous and endangered species we have turned a vacant plot into a lush green nursery decked with flowers and rare plants. There are around 2000 saplings of 25 different varieties. In collaboration with our Seed Bank project we have been able to bring to city some lesser-known native trees which are seen in only forests. This project boasts of multiple spin-offs. For instance, under Green Collar category we have employed couple of caretakers for the nursery. Secondly, we make bio-fertilizers with the green waste generated. Soon we are going to make our nursery economically sustainable by selling our curated saplings to the public. We intend to sell all the saplings with a small booklet containing information on the choice of sapling of our prospective customers.

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