Volunteership - It offers a short term volunteer position from a week to a quarter or for a particular mission activity. It services for community benefits on quick term basis on cultural learning experiences.
Membership – This program actually asks people to contribute their presence, money, expertise and certain actions to our organization in which they become affiliated with a minimum period of a year up to lifetime.
Mentorship – Mentor partners in the program with a strong skill set and deep knowledge with individuals who are seeking for moving up with guidance, track follow ups and trace successive footprints.
Internship – This is nothing but an opportunity provided to potential undergraduates or professionals a comprehensive work experience in for time period prescribed by their institution. This will be counted as a credit based social internship program.
Fellowship – could provide an opportunity to run community outreach program or initiative to gain real world experience in their region. It sharpens practical experience, extensive professional development, financial support, additional incentives and personal confidence.
Partnership – It welcomes any university, corporate or government to join hands for joint ventures. It helps to extent footprints of success, to grow trust base and enhance brand values of each other’s. We are open to sign memorandum of partnerships with you.