Arranya Paryavaran Sanstha
C/o Pankaj Dawande, Opp. Gajanan Maharaj Mandir,
Lakdiya Puliya, Mahal, Nagpur 440002, Maharashtra

Office No.: +91.9022368363
Raj Madankar: +91.8055055332
Pranay Tijare: +91.9503525939
Email Address:

Your Generous Tree Gift Will Bring Joy And Purpose Around The World

About Us

Arranya is a Nagpur-based non-profit organization primarily focussed on the cause of nature. Founded in 2007 and registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Arranya has been working for the conservation of environment on various fronts such as- increasing the green cover, waste and water management, and bringing about a positive change in the lifestyle of the people by helping them in internalizing sustainable ways to lead an eco-friendly life. At heart Science is Nature hence, it becomes all-important for us that in order to meet our goals we follow ways perfected by scientific outlook and rational thinking. Among our members we have botanists, zoologists and engineers who ensure that all our projects are prudently thought-through and sustainable in the long run. We also collaborate with faculties of various institutes who have actively published research on the discipline of environment. Our motto is ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.’ It is a Sanskrit expression which means, world is one family. Our cause doesn’t concern a specific country. It is rather global. Climate Change and Global Warming are one of the biggest challenges facing humanity. As these challenges are man-made a global effort is required to confront them. We believe that grassroots-level participation with the help of organizations like Arranya can prove instrumental in tackling environment related problems.

13 Years in Action

  1. Reduced Air Pollution
  2. Improved Access to Clean and Safe Water
  3. Promoted Materials Management, Waste Management, and Clean Sites
  4. Enhanced Joint Preparedness for Environmental Response
  5. Enhanced Compliance Assurance and Environmental Stewardship


Spread the word about our program. Even a small donation will make a huge difference.

These Trees require your help!

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